Glitches In The Universe.

A Halloween Legacy

Video Short 18 MB 3:05 m

Glitches began about a year ago and had several iterations. I originally hesitated to use such a scary image, but in context of Halloween it feels quite relevant.

One of the iterations was scheduled for display on an urban panel in the East Village of NYC. Landlord aporoval is required for placing imagery on their digital properties, but I thought it was a no-brainer since the East Village was way cool when I lived there during the 1980s. Yet, everything changes - and my punk style didn't suit this particular landlord. I hope you enjoy watching it though, and let me know if its too scary for you!

An antidote to watching this short: Take 3 deep breaths, stand on one foot like a crane and pretend you are flying over the ocean. Works every time.

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